2020-08-20: Prototype 2 of very tiny internal transmitter v2
(which is even tinier) is working.
2020-05-12: Finally figured out how to make RetroPie/Linux see it as two
separeate joysticks. See bottom of page.
2019-07-07: Prototype of very tiny internal
transmitter working.
2018-02-09: SW done!
2018-01-01: Pairing working! SW almost done.
2017-10-15: USB working well.
2017-02-05: USB functionality working in alpha SW.
2016-12-05: Prototypes done, working. SW needs improvement.
What is it?:
The system consists of a base board (receiver) and a number of
transmitters (usually two), either internal for mounting internally in a
joystick (is plug and play for Tac2) or an external transmitter
for any joystick. The transmitters are powered by a CR2032 that will
last for years(?).
The base board has two DB9F that connects to both joystick ports of
an Amiga, C64 or other computer with the Atari style DB9F-joystick ports.
It also has a micro-USB connector for windows/linux/mac/android. It will show up as two
digital joysticks to use in an emulator!
Plan is that the board should also be able to connect to a PC via
micro-USB to be able to use the joysticks wireless against an emulator
running on the PC.
Current features
Typical total delay for DB9F-usage: ~2ms.
Simulates a joystick electrically correct (Low or High-Z).
Appears as two digital joysticks via USB. Tested with Windows, Linux
and even Android (via usb2go).
64 Unique channels, several kits can be used at the same location
without interfering each other.
Transmitters does not need a powerswith, just put it aside and it's
instantly ready next time. Battery time SHOULD be years.
Two (or more) joysticks can be paired to one port simultaniously.
Possible future features include autofire, one joystick to both
ports and the ability to make an Amiga-mouse wireless in the future.
Make it show up as two separate joysticks in Linux/RetroPi
Start a terminal and write:
cd /boot
sudo nano cmdline.txt
This starts the nano editor editing the cmdline.txt file. It probably has
one long row of text in it. At the end of that single raw, make a space
and add the following text:
Save with CTRL and x. Reboot!
If you like to have a tool to test with i recommend: "jstest-gtk"