Bluetooth Servo board
2015-02-08 Manual is done, check download section below
2015-02-04 Software adapted to BT-module. Ready!
2014-02-11 Android App SRC code Not done
2014-01-18 Video showing prototype and Android app
2013-12-11 First prototype assembled, working
2013-11-10 Working on Android SW
What is it?:
It's a small board that connects to anything that can talk Bluetooth SPP
(Serial Port Profile) and allows you to
control up to eight RC servos (or ESCs) via serial commands.
The commands are simple ASCII. Of course this SW will
also be open source. The serial ASCII protocol is the same as
for the USB and RPiSB v2 and v3 boards, with additions for bluetooth specific
settings, like setting bluetooth name and pin. It also features a selectable fail safe mode
if connection is lost, servos are moved to a predetermined position.
The output is buffred and made 5V by a buffer IC.
If you are into AVR-programming you can reprogram the little MCU on the
BT Servo board and make the card do whatever you like. Maybe read 6
temperature sensors and send the values as ASCII on the bluetooth serial
The card also has a 8 pin connector (unmounted) that exposes 6 GPIO-pins
of the ATmega8 CPU, +3.3V and GND. There are support to use them as as
digital output controlled via a serial command.
If you want to make your own firmware the pins
is also the ATmega8s I2C lines (2 pins) and SPI
(4 pins).
Buy a card
Postage to Sweden is $1, rest of the world $2.
2015-02-08 The manual
2013-12-11 Nothing yet!
If you find bugs or want special features, please send me
an email!
Contact me at: mikael(at)